Wednesday, December 31, 2008

3rd member of the team

I would like to take a moment to introduce you to the leader of this excursion, Mr. Rho D. Williams, no relation to Billy Dee. Rho D. is a bit egocentric, so you will notice he insists on appearing in most if not all of the photos you will see.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Here we go!

If all goes according to plan, this 'blog' will 'live' for only about 10 days. I'm moving from Virginia to California, and Andy's making the big drive with me.

As we go, we'll (perhaps) post pictures, notes on our trip, restaurant reviews (as requested by my dad), and maybe some comments on our usual arguments (Could a hockey team win with sub-par skaters and an obscenely large goalie? (No.) Is the Big Ten actually awful? (No ...) Phil Rivers: Confident or cocky? (TBD)).

I don't expect anyone who doesn't know one or both of us to find this, so if we know ya, say 'hi'! Weigh in, recommend a restaurant, must-see attraction or worth-our-time bar, or warn us about an approaching speed trap.

Oh, and the plan is Richmond to Nashville to Dallas to Albuquerque to Flagstaff to San Diego. Wish us luck!

-- MCM