Thursday, January 1, 2009

Peace, Virginia

Tennessee welcomes us!

And we both made it!

So far so good ... we're headed in the right direction (west, for those of you keeping score at home), and have only heard "at the first opportunity, make a legal u-turn" a couple of times.

For our first restaurant review, A would like to report that the wheat bread from the Subway in Troutville VA was a bit to crumbly (the Mazda agrees, but the first mess of many over the next couple of days, I'm sure), and the ham was mediocre. Service was top notch (and well-decorated -- the baby feet tattoos on his forearm were adorable), though.

We hope to do better for dinner. The plan is to stop for an early meal in Knoxville at Litton's Market & Restaurant. Roadside Food reports that it is "the most famous hamburger restaurant in the mid-South." Sounds good to me!

If we're making good time perhaps we'll take a quick swing through Knoxville and the UT campus, where the Web site advises us that Knoxville gets 47" of rain a year, and we'd best bring along a bumbershoot. I take it that's an umbrella 'round these parts. Looks like sunny skies all the way today, though.

Oh, and in case you were concerned, our faithful companion is still hanging in there. Here his is mugging with an honor-our-troops art piece at the Welcome to Tennessee Center.

1 comment:

  1. Hoffman says: Yes, a bumbershoot is an umbrella. It is also the name of an annual festival in Seattle, WA that involves several days of live music, food, and not knowing where this couch that you've just woken up on is located, let alone who owns it.
